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О применении преобразователя давления Сапфир-22-МП-ВН-ДГ для измерения расхода массы ингибитора коррозии

... accordance with GOST 3900-85. Results The method of measuring the mass flow of the corrosion inhibitor using a hydrostatic pressure transducerSapphir-22MP-BH-DG with a basic accuracy of 0.15% more productive and more accurate body-mass method. Сonclusions Hydrostatic pressure converter Sapphir-22MP-BH-DG with the intrinsic error of 0.15%, produced from the production of Teplokontrol, can be used by oil companies asa means of measuring the mass flow of the corrosion inhibitor. Т.Т. Нигаматзянов ...

Изменен: 27.09.2019
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