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Развитие цифровых технологий в исследовании остаточных напряжений

... России. Showing the relationship between the constructive and technological process of hardening threaded conical surface drill pipe (geometry of a strengthening of the movie, the size of the load, radius of hollow), magnitude and distribution of residual stresses in a threaded surface based on complex mathematical models developed and a series of pilot studies stress-strain state threads and fatigue tests. Materials and methods Basic Theory of mechanics of deformation of continuous media, technology ...

Изменен: 27.09.2019
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Использование метода шумов Баркгаузена для исследования упрочненной резьбы бурильных труб

Статья посвящена определению возможности контроля методом Баркгаузена упрочненной резьбы бурильных труб. В данной случае, методом для упрочнения конструкционной легированной высококачественной стали является поверхностное пластическое деформирование обкатыванием. Особенно важно, что исследование выполнено неразрушающим методом, позволяющим получить данные об упрочненном поверхностном слое. Материалы и методы Основные положения теории механики деформирования сплошных сред, основы технологии машиностроения...

Изменен: 27.09.2019
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Исследование остаточных напряжений при упрочнении резьбы бурильных труб

... России. Set the relationship between the constructive and technological process parameters folding threaded conical surface drill pipe (geometry of a strengthening of the movie, the size of the load, radius of hollow), magnitude and distribution of residual stresses in a threaded surface based on complex mathematical models developed and a series of pilot studies stress-strain state threads and fatigue tests. Materials and methods Basic Theory of mechanics of deformation of continuous media, technology ...

Изменен: 27.09.2019
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Современные технологии машиностроения для импортозамещения нефтепромыслового и бурового оборудования

... thread to increase durability of the products was proposed. Materials and methods Methods of mathematical statistics are used. Results The problem definition of hardening of thread bottom was made, numbers of numerical experiments were carried out and residual stresses were determined. Developed the program of predicting residual stresses. Сonclusions 1. Bounce statistics the drilling and oilfield equipment was revealed. 2. The main causes leading to the accident on the oil well were revealed. 3. ...

Изменен: 27.09.2019
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Пути решения проблемы разрушения резьбовых соединений нефтепромыслового и бурового оборудования

... thread method was considered to increase its durability. Materials and methods Methods of mathematical statistics are used. Results The problem definition of hardening of bottom of thread was made, numbers of numerical experiments were carried out and residual stresses were determined. Сonclusions 1. Bounce statistics the drilling and oilfield equipment was reviewed. 2. The main causes leading to the accident on the oil well were revealed. 3. Provided recommendations for using the running-thread ...

Изменен: 27.09.2019
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Моделирование остаточного напряженного состояния резьбы на трубах нефтегазового сортамента в условиях поверхностного пластического деформирования

... нагрузок, диаметра ролика и радиуса при его вершине. Carried out the numerical simulation of the surface plastic deformationof bottom of thread by deep roll with the use of a packet ABAQUS. Determined the values of residual stresses with the different valuesof roller depression. Materials and methods Methods of mathematical modeling, programset ABAQUS. Results Problem formulation of the hardening working of thread bottom is made. It is carried out numerical experiments ...

Изменен: 27.09.2019
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