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Геологическая модель рифового комплекса в верхнедевонских карбонатных отложениях

... данными испытаний и оконтурить залежи нефти. Geological and geophysical criteria for the allocation of a reef complex in the carbonate sediments of the Upper Devonian sectionare determined based on core analysis, log data and 3D seismic data on one of the fields of the Bashkirian arch. Uneven-aged reef masses are revealed. A geological model of the Frasnian-Famennian deposits of the Upper Devonian sediments with specificated zones of allocation and fluid content ...

Изменен: 27.09.2019
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Особенности строения и выделения коллекторов в сложнопостроенных каширо-подольских отложениях среднего карбона на примере одного из месторождений Башкортостана

... dense carbonate lithological varieties, productive reservoirs and nonproductive microgranular chalky pelitomorphic rocks, which can contain both bound and free water. Irrational alternation of listed above lithological varieties cause difficulties in log data interpretation. The features of reservoir identification and estimation of fluid content in Kashirskian-Podolskian deposits are represented. Materials and methods The modified technique of reservoir and lithological identification in Kashirskian-Podolskian ...

Изменен: 27.09.2019
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