Upgrading oil, water and gas separation technology and equipment at distant oil production facilities

Il'mer Yu. Khasanov LLC NPTs “Sheryk” Salavat npc-sherik@mail.ru
Vladimir I. Rogozin Salavat branch USPTU Salavat rogozin_vi@list.ru
Dmitriy V. Ivanov Ishimbai branch USATU Ishimbai ivanov_dv@list.ru
New upgrading oil, water and gas separation technology and equipment are proposed. The novelty of the technology is in partial degassing of the NGL in the heater-treater and returning of its liquid part to the highly stabilized commercial oil pipeline to restore its petrol potential and maintain the oil-gas condensate mixture SVP at the standard level. The separator is integrated into the operating gas processing plant layout.
Materials and methods
Computer research of mass exchange processes of contact degassing and fractionation of multicomponent mixtures with consideration of the raw material components, actual load and technological parameters of oil and low pressure gas separation
A radically new technology and implementation of the commercial oil separation at the distant oil production facilities are proposed. The novelty of the technology is in partial degassing of the de-ethanized NGL in the heater-treater and returning of its liquid part to the highly stabilized commercial oil pipeline to restore its petrol potential and maintain the oil-gas condensate mixture SVP at the standard level.
Calculations and modeling of the processes of the restoration of the petrol potential of the commercial oil at a certain field can be guidelines for other oil production facilities in terms of the low-pressure gases disposal problem solution. To decrease the loss of the light oils when transporting and storing the oil companies go to its deep stabilization. However, a significant amount of low-pressure associated petroleum gas forms at the terminal separation unit with 25% petrol HC mass contained in the condensate (NGL). The RF Government Decree No.1148 strictly regulates the solution to this problem.
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oil gas separation stabilization saturation pressure last stage of oil separation