Systematization of mega-reservoir accumulations of oil and gas in the sedimentary deposits

Punanova S.A. Oil and gas research institute Russian academy of sciences Moscow
Samoilova A.V. Oil and gas research institute Russian academy of sciences Moscow
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-5-16-19

Based on the analysis and generalization of factual material, the article systematizes ideas about the formation of oil and gas mega-reservoirs in the sedimentary cover of oil and gas basins in Russia and the world. These are accumulations of hydrocarbons that accumulate large reserves both in traditional reservoirs and in reservoirs of unconventional low-porous shale formations, in reservoirs with hard-to-recover reserves of extraviscous
oils and natural bitumen deposits, as well as in reservoirs of decompacted ledges of the crystalline basement.
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